Best Way to Clean White Wall Tires

Whitewall tires or white sidewall tires contain a stripe or entire sidewall of white rubber. These tires were the most use from the early 1900s to the mid-1980s. Despite being old-fashioned, people use these tires because it gives a car sense of individuality, style, and class. However, if you want to use these tires, you need to know the best way to clean white wall tires, because those tires get dirty quickly.

If you use or are going to use whitewall tires, then this article is for you. We will describe how to clean a white wall tire easily. Hope this will help you.

The Cleaning Materials

You will need several things when cleaning whitewall tires to make the job easier. These include:

  • SOS pads: Although SOS pads are used for general cleaning work, they are effective enough to clean tires. These can easily remove stains from the sidewall of white tires.
  • Ordinary baking soda: Baking soda dissolves various types of dirt and removes them without damaging the tires. It is very much effective in cleaning whitewall tires.
  • A scrub brush: This wide brush with a long shaft is useful to clean the surface of the tires. A wire brush with metal bristles can damage the smooth surface of the white tires. But a scrub brush works great for removing dirt from wet tires with no damages.
  • A pressure washer or garden hosepipe: It is required to spray the necessary water during cleaning.
  • Whitewall specific tire cleaner products: There are different types of cleaning products is available, but some of those contain an excessive percentage of alcohol or bleaching agents. These types of elements can be harsh on rubber and may lead to excessive drying for continued use. So there is a chance to degrade the quality of the tires by causing cracks.

To clean whitewall tires it is better to use those that are produced from purely natural products. This type of product not only keeps the beauty of the tire intact but also helps to give the tire a longer life.

Cleaning process

The whole process of cleaning a tire is not complicated at all. You can easily complete the task by dividing it into several parts. Below I am describing the best way to clean whitewall tires step by step.

Step #1

The first step in cleaning the whitewall tires is to wet the tires well. A pressure washer or garden hose is suitable for this job. Also, if there is any loose dirt, clean it by spraying water.

Step #2

When the tires are well wet, use the cleaning agent properly. Using methods of all cleaning products may not be the same. So, apply the product you want to use according to the proper guidelines.

Step #3

Now if you have made a cleaning solution by using baking soda or any other cleaning solution, soak the SOS pad in it and scrub the sidewall. Scrub every inch of the tire surface thoroughly to remove all stains. Use a scrub brush to remove dirt from the tire grooves. To ensure a better cleaning, work calmly, not in a hurry.

After cleaning one tire by following these three steps, clean all the tires in the same manner.

Some tips

Frequent cleaning helps to limit dirt, grime, and other stains from becoming rigid, as well as counter discoloration. You may have noticed that a week-old stain is as easy to clean, but it is comparatively harder to clean a stain that is a month old. So if you clean the tires regularly then both time and labor will be much less required.

Some people think that white tires need to be cleaned every day. This requires a regular cleaning habit for which the required time is not available. But in normal weather and road conditions, it is enough to clean the tires once a week or three times in two weeks. Maintaining this cleaning rule keeps the tires clear and good.

Many people use very powerful cleaning agents to save time and trouble cleaning tires. Their use can often damage the tires. Moreover, if you use them for a long time can lead to irreversible yellowing and cracking of the tires.

You can also apply a water-based dressing to make your tires shine and protect them from destructive UV rays. Purchase the dressing and a foam applicator for it in the automotive stores, or online. Apply the foam to the applicator and rub it onto your tires evenly until the required effect is achieved.

Final words

Some extra effort can prepare your whitewall tires to look their best, as beauty takes patience and maintenance. But there is no substitute to that feeling of freedom and individuality when you roll out on the road, sporting your clean, shiny whitewall tires.

These tires become dirty easily, so they required regular cleaning to maintain their beauty. We describe here the best way to clean white wall tires to aid you. You can make your whitewall tires more beautiful by following this method.

Some uniqueness sets you apart from everyone else. Whitewall tires express your different preferences and personalities. Everyone expects his car to be somewhat unique. Using whitewall tires you can easily fulfill that desire.